introduction. . .

I'm the better bug™ >:) No, but I'm ALSO Bug, but I go by Bug 2.0 for ease of identification! I was a former bug shard, but after main bug™ went into hibernation, I shed off like a fkn snake. I really enjoy being chronically online. LMAO No, but fr I do enjoy mostly web based things. Web Design, Web Weaving, Writing, Playing Video Games- Im stuck behind a computer LOL. I probs wont post, but who knows! Maybe I'll actually SPEAK instead of BTS coding stuff. Enjoy ur stay at the site!


name: Bug 2.0

prns: they/he/she

age: 21 y/o

gender: transmasc, bigender

orient.: omni oriented demisexual

emoji sign off: 🐛

alter image by @/chemicataclysm on tumblr